A commemorative speech is a special event public performance usually devoted to a group (or a person), situation, place, idea, institution, event, and so on to celebrate them/recall/express respect. The definition of a “ceremonial speech” is the same.

Keeping in mind the educational system context in the United States, students give a commemorative speech at their ceremony of graduation (college). There, students show respect and gratitude to their educational institution, teachers, classmates, and families, remind themselves of good old days spent at school. Additionally, they take a look at the future and review possible challenges and trials through the perspective of skills obtained during college studies.
As you can see, there are various occasions to claim a commemorative speech. They turn the mastery of public performance into a critical, demanded skill.
The proper choice of the appropriate topic is another unique challenge for every speaker facing the task. Papercheap.co.uk writers created a guiding list of points for you to consider when it comes to creating a commemorative speech. Additionally, we held some brainstorms and generated enough topics to choose from. Check the article below, and let’s overcome your confusion and creative block together.
Points of an Excellent Commemorative Speech
The rules of a commemorative speech are pretty much the same as those of any oral presentation. Make the listeners focus their eyes and minds on you and your words. Give them something interesting to hear and think about to the very end, and try to call out positive impressions. Your performance is excellent when it keeps up with the points mentioned below.
A Commemorative Speech Engages the Audience
You can reach this point in many different ways and their combinations. Still, try to leave typical moves and speech figures (aka clichés) beyond the text. Go in for triggering a critical comprehension and introspection. However, nobody will judge you if you pay the tribute through some funny points and choices. Obviously, the entire topic can be fun if you know how to serve it perfectly to the listeners.
A Commemorative Speech Inspires People
It is another critical point. The talk should not only entertain people in the audience. It can also highlight the values and essential things you wish to share with the others. The expression of gratitude and the value of the topic are other focus points. Usually, talk of this kind has inspiration as its primary goal.
A Commemorative Speech Transmits Positivity
Of course, people can perceive the performance as naïve, boring, and unnatural when you overuse enthusiasm. Even a slight imbalance may become a fatal failure reason. A wise compromising on this point is critical, but the delivery of a usually positive idea is a must. Think about the following – people typically concentrate on positivity even in commemorative speeches for burial ceremonies. They pay attention to the brightest moments shared with a recently deceased person, remind the others of his/her legacy, mention character features that inspired them, and so on. When speaking of college speech topics, it is worth making the point empowering and optimistic at a time.
A Good Commemorative Speech is Relevant
The talk should be relevant to the audience listening to it. Stay in contact with them, make references to specific collective memory episodes ("fresh" events and news of the US or your group are also fine here). Individual experience able to call out certain emotions in the minds of listeners may also work fine. You should always try to focus on particular things, not general ones. Speak about real persons, communities, professors, and events to be engaged with the audience even more.
A Commemorative Speech Topic: How to Find a Suitable One
Our writers have a bunch of tips for students to follow when choosing speech topics for academic tasks. Keeping up with their tips will help you to get higher grades.
Conduct Research
Finding relevant commemorative speech topics is not hard nowadays, as all you need to do is to go to Google. The Internet also stores video files of commemorative speeches held in the past at your school or any other top educational institution in the United States. In case you need more guidance, check YouTube videos with speeches of famous politicians and celebrities to get excellent oration topic examples.
Go Brainstorming
A brainstorm is always an effective way to generate topics, especially when you already have some basis after the research. When you go in for brainstorming on your own, the result will most likely be your coming up with an original, personal, and critical commemorative speech topic.
Listeners Matter
It is crucial to know who will be present in the audience at the ceremony. When you know that, you’ll be able to deliver your message more accurately. Additionally, it is essential to know if the particular person is there among people when you plan to mention him or her directly.
Meaning Is the Key
Know what topic you are going to reveal and what the sense of your discourse will be. The correctly stated intention shows you the way to develop your commemorative speech topic.
Original Topic
Students receiving commemorative speech tasks as academic assignments can sometimes choose similar topics independently. Check if your topic doesn’t double anyone else's one beforehand. In case it is impossible, aim to make your commemorative speech topic maximally original.

20 Best Commemorative Speech Topics
We got a set of 20 commemorative speech topics for you to consider. Choose one of them and then do everything you can for your performance to be the best:
- An honorable presentation about your classmate, friend, parents, teachers
- Progress of international initiatives dealing with problems of ozone depletion.
- Astronautics history: the Moon landing success
- Invention retrospective: describe what obstacles and challenges the inventor faced and how he or she dealt with them.
- Perseverance is the way to victory: the story of the Olympic gold medalist
- An egocentric reality: humility matters a lot
- Warriors of World War II: Honor, Memory, Experience
- Humanity aims to make peace
- Exciting and outstanding loyalty examples (brothers in arms, family members, firefighting professionals, etc.)
- Feminism retrospective: ladies who changed history
- Gender equality trends
- Humans know how to improvise, adapt and overcome any difficulties (Nic Vujcic, ISS astronauts, etc.)
- Space discovery retrospective & future challenges (first satellite launch, Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong, Mars rover Curiosity, etc.)
- Medical care greatest inventions and perspectives (penicillin, X-ray, AIDS treatment progress)
- Top sea travelers (Columbus, Magellan, Vespucci, Bering, Lazarev, etc.)
- Great travelers in history (Magellan, Columbus)
- The group's academic success, its reasons, and meaning
- The school sports competition victory
- A class is a family: what students can learn from each other
- Your character and mind transformation after entering college and its impact on your future life
To Conclude
This list, or even the complete guide by our writers, does not limit commemorative speech topic ideas. The only limit here is your mind, imagination, and fantasy. Think about what you would like to say, and go in for brainstorming. Keep up with the tips above, and your speech will be excellent!