Most students consider essay writing as something complex and tricky because teachers give this assignment with no certain topic, as a rule. Students hate this. They are sure about the steps how to write an essay but feel problems about what topic is more preferable to choose.
If you can’t come up with a strong topic for a college essay or don’t have enough time for that, you may find some professional writing agency that specializes on essays on various themes (for instance, persuasive essay topics) and get high-quality writing of the required type.
If you still desire to create great writing that will impress your teacher, let’s consider a few most favorite student topics for essays and additionally discuss some tips how a topic should be selected for making a real masterpiece!
Clues to Choose Incredible Topics for Essays

As it was mentioned earlier, searching for a winning topic for your writing is a challenge. This is a more complicated task than writing activity. However, what is that magic secret of success? It’s all about your attitude! Students should consider a challenge to choose a topic, not as the apocalypse but a bright opportunity for personal development. If you feel real passion concerning a subject and desire talking on that for hours, you will definitely create the chef-d'oeuvre.
So, a secret of a perfect essay topic is revealed: students should describe things they sincerely love, something that finds response inside the soul, or makes a part of their lives. Wonderful essays are always about the true involvement of writers about the topic.
For example, if you don’t care about the influence of cigarette smoking on people, don’t choose it as persuasive writing. It’s obvious you will have more to discuss and compose better on some issue you unreservedly care about.
Remember, if they love the topic, your teacher will admire it in turn!
All-liked Student Topics for Essay
Ok, what is the most popular themes modern students desire writing about? Global research shows that this strongly depends on the personality, lifestyle, and social surrounding of a concrete student. Even gender plays a crucial role! However, researchers figure out a set of universal topic for essays that enjoy popularity among seventy percent of students. Well, first things first!
Presenting Your Story in the Topic for Essay

Students love talking about themselves. They like sharing info concerning their hobbies, personal feelings, and rich experience that is totally unique and meaningful.
It brings enormous pleasure for people when they reveal something sensational about others, so, some frank story about who you are may draw them in. If you are keen on blogging, can’t exist without Instagram posting, and even have around ninety thousand followers (quite a prosperous blog), don’t hesitate to reflect your blogging achievements in an essay. Actually, students do so.
In this case, the most popular topics for essays sound like “What benefits may a personal blog give to you?” “Secrets of a popular instagram profile,” “My personal lifehack to attract followers,” “Does blogging really run the world?” etc. These things are marvelous if you may tie them to who you are and things you sincerely believe in.
“Why does charity motivate me?” “Things about my friends that make me feel on cloud nine,” “Discovering my hidden talents,” “Where do I see myself in twenty years?” “My current investments to land a dream career,” “The craziest travel in my life,” “Why do I collect souvenirs while traveling?” etc. are considered favorite student topics for essays in the US and Canada, according to analytical data based on the research conducted by the US scientific team.
Learning from Headwinds as an Idea to Topics for Essays
Students always try to show their teachers and group mates their greatest self. It’s true that students like acknowledging proudly the times when they struggled with some obstacles on the way to their dream and all their titanic efforts were crowned with success. Such experience usually serves as brilliant inspiration for topics for essays!
Overcoming challenges tough calls demonstrates such precious traits of human character as perseverance and bravery. The headwind you choose as a topic for your essay may be significant or inconspicuous but they should show in their writing to what extent a personal perspective underwent changes in light of this.
“How I Have Won my First Reward,” “From an Ordinary Freshman to a Popular Senior Student,” “Ups and Downs on the Way to Stunning Progress in Studies,” etc. are really great hints when they should create topics for essays. Again, those ideas are taken from analytical educational reports on what themes students love most of all.
Show Solving Some Problem in One of the Topics for Essays
Use this idea if you desire writing an essay that is designed to show their surrounding the way you think and what factors make you act. Introduce some situation or dilemma and portray concrete actions towards the solution.
Many students (especially “A”-grade ones) enjoy displaying insight into their strong thinking process and the ability to deeply analyze things. Make up some topic where you start explaining how you discovered some dilemma and what steps were made for its solving. Additionally, you should show some potential readers of your essay why this situation is of great importance to you.
Taking into account the above mentioned, most students consider their favorite topics the following:
- “Would you rather Always Have to Tell the Truth or Always Lie?”
- “Would you Prefer Finding True Love or Winning a Million Dollars?”
- “Facing the Dilemma: Being the Only Happy Person in the Universe or the Only Unhappy One.”
That stuff looks extremely tricky! However, such themes remain among students’ favorites while choosing topics for college writing.
Great Topic for Essays: Things that Captivate
Students choose this concept for their essay theme because it invites them to express their point of view concerning some phenomena they care about. Teachers admire intellectually inquisitive students who are deep thinkers about what occurs around them. Such wisenheimers choose philosophical themes for their writing that give opportunities to meditate on various things that truly matter:
- “Is Morality Subjective or Objective?”
- “Should People Have the Right to Die by Suicide?”
- “Do Genetics Really Influence Human Behavior?”
Speaking about People you Admire in Topics for Essays
Every student has their role model that inspires and motivates for constant self-improvement. It’s a good thought-starter for their paper when you may share your thoughts with others concerning who drives your personal progress. Students are quite creative when it comes to lodestars. Their favorite titles sound as follows:
- “Why Michelle Obama Inspires me”;
- “My Sociology Teacher Makes me Become a Better Person”;
- “Why Everybody Needs Role Models”;
- “Having Incredible Inspirational Person as a Way to Success”;
You see, students like writing on various themes but note that even a brilliant topic will not earn you an excellent grade without keeping essay writing steps — research, outlining, and editing.