It is easy to make friends when you are a kid. You can be friends with ice-cream, strangers, or kids on the playground. But when you are a student at college, it is awkward: “What do you say? How do you introduce yourself? Where are you supposed to meet new people? How are you supposed actually to make them your besties?” All of these painful questions have quite simple answers. Let PaperCheap writers figure them out in this article.
Understand That You All Are in the Same Situation
College is a new period not only of your life but thousands of other freshmen. Comprehend that the newbie students at your class or campus want to get to know the people around too, they want to make friends as well, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Believe it or not, but the strongest friendship is the one that emerges in times of you being insecure and scared. In these moments, two people cling to each other for support. That is what set the tone for the last-lasting friendship.
Leave Your Comfort Zone to Make Friends in College
To make friends in college, you need at least to leave a dorm room, which is your comfort zone. Yes, they say dormitory is a great place to hang out with your neighbors. But the thing is that these people will be there at least for four years and a local football game is not such a common event. Say “yes” to every opportunity in order to make new friends in college. If you are invited to do something together or travel with a group of people you have met in college, say “yes”. Watch “Yes, men” to learn the power of this technique.
But how do you go from acquaintance to friend? Once you start to connect with people, do not be afraid to be vulnerable. Open yourself up. Really get to know those people and let them into your heart, share your story. Open up to them about who you are, where you came from, what you are struggling with, and you will start to connect on the deeper level.
Believe us, you are not the only one who has trouble making friends in college. Of course, your introverted side may constantly scream “Stranger danger”, but at this period of time, we strongly encourage you not to listen to your brain saying “Oh, it is safer to watch one more episode of “Dexter”. You never know where you can make good friends of yours. Do not think you have to lock yourself up in the dorm just because you do not know any person in a new city yet.
How to Make Friends in College? Take Advantage of Your Interests

If you identify yourself as an introvert, socializing probably does not come naturally to you. But we have got something for you too. One of the best ways we personally found to make real friends in college is though hobbies and shared interests. Remember this quote: “Friendship is born at that moment when you say to a person, “You too?”
So, if you are a creative type of person, what is your craft? How can you get more involved in your community? Can you impress people by playing the drums or drawing like Da Vinci? Have you read all the books about ancient Egypt or watched all the movies about outer space? Find the skill which makes you stand out of the crowd and take advantage of it.
Of course, just find the thing you are really interested in will not be enough. You also need to be in the places that interest you, be around like-minded people. How can you do that? Just take suitable classes or attend a workshop on how to make friends in college. If you are an animal lover, for example, volunteer in an animal shelter. The chances are that you might find someone special for you in there. It is a great way to connect and interact with people as well as to take a class in something you are passionate about.
Do not be afraid to try things which you have never tried before. And that is where “step out of the comfort zone” move comes in. It is time to discover your hidden talents while making new friends along the way. Whether it is learning a new language, nailing sensual Bachata moves or finding your inner writer, immersing yourself in what you love the most could help to make a lot of friends with similar interests.
Use Your Sense of Humor for Making Friend in College
How do you think, what is the most popular answer for “What do you like your friend for?” “We laugh at the same stuff”. If two people have the same sense of humor, the chances are they will end up being best friends or lovers. To illustrate this tip, we could not help but mention the epic phrase of Chandler Bing: “I am not so great at the advice, so can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?”
All these tips can really help you to make new friends in college. Be willing to get outside your comfort zone and try new things but listen, do not compromise who you are. Be sure you are not losing yourself as you are trying to make friends and create this new circle of friendships. Always stay true to who you are, whether you are trying to make new buddies after college or achieve your goals. Let it happen organically and allow yourself to be guided. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there but always check back in with your heart – does this feel right?
“Friendship Never Goes Out of Style”
And at the end of this article, here are a couple of quotes to set the tone for your new beginnings and new friends in college:
- Here is one great reason to make friends from Carrie Bradshaw: “No matter who broke or how scared you are, you will never be able to get through it without your friends”.
- In case you broke up with your boyfriend: “Maybe friends are the real soul mates and men are just these great guys to have fun with”.
- And a little quote from us: “Maybe a true friend is a person who says good things behind your back and bad things to your face”.