>Film review writing is a process which almost certainly becomes complicated and time-taking. Actually, the task here is to write a movie review without getting confused by a mass of details and doubtful moments. Best professional online writers recommend the simplest choice to finish the task perfectly: divide the whole process into several separate parts. Such an approach lets you manage your time more precisely.

1. Movie Review Writing: The Intro Hook
The intro part of the review should contain the primary data about the movie: its title, director's name, release date, and genre. Additionally, it is possible to mention prestigious awards, the impressive budget, and the box office of the discussed movie. Cast members might be mentioned, as well. The thesis statement should be in the introductory paragraph of the writing, additionally to the general info. A good thesis statement is the start of the critical part of your movie review writing, which goes further and beyond the regular story summary and technical descriptions.
In your thesis, you might write about such things as:
- The connection of the main idea the movie carries with the ongoing problems or events.
- Common features of the plot and your life experience.
- Mutual relations between the film’s formal parts and its topical content.
2. Estimate Things at Once
There is no need to hold your opinion for long. In case your reader does not have enough time to read through the whole movie review text, they can get at least your estimated mark at the very beginning. Do not keep your thoughts until the conclusion: you don't write a detective thriller. Show up your arguments and grades at once, in the first or the second text paragraph.
3. Create a Short Story Summary
It’s good enough to describe three to five main spins without revealing the final part of the plot. Besides, you should avoid “spoiling” the film at all cost and any case. Do not destroy the intrigue. Otherwise, you risk facing the reasonable hate of your readers. In case the mentioning of an essential plot turn is unavoidable, give the audience a clear warning about it obligatory.
4. Tell about Your Impression
The plot summary serves for a particular goal: to mention what the movie is about. Remember: describe not your visual experience but feelings. Go in for thoughts and emotions explicit scenes caused in your mind and soul. Turn your movie review writing from a formal piece of text into a more personal letter by sharing the unique cinematic experience you've got.
5. Write a Movie Goal Review
Answer to the simple question: "What was this movie filmed for?" In some cases, it is possible to know it from interviews given by the director or filming crew members. The other point to check for the purpose is the story itself. If the movie is about entertainment, then you shouldn't try going deeper and finding some unobvious meaning of usual symbols. Some movies are excellent exactly because they're simple.
6. Review Movie Creation Details
When writing a movie review, you can't avoid describing formal techniques (unless you want to write a bad text). Pay the most attention to one or two aspects you find the most essential in the reviewed movie. Avoid overusing particular definitions and words, as the movie review writing is not about creating crosswords for readers.
Here is what you might describe:
- Cinematography
The definition covers anything happening to cameras while shooting the film: chosen angles, distance changes, featured movement, etc.
- Sound
People tend to underestimate the movie sounds, despite it influences the movie’s atmosphere equally to the picture they see on the screen. Nevertheless, top-caliber movie composers are heavily wanted in the world of filmmaking. The industry classifies two kinds of sounds appearing in movies: diegetic and non-diegetic ones.
Diegetic sounds are those being narration parts: birdsongs, dogs barking, thunder, dialogues between characters, etc.
Non-diegetic sounds are those taken from outside the film’s reality: titles, author’s commentaries, and so on.
- Editing
To say simply, editing aims towards the creation of a clean and smooth interconnection between all the movie’s parts. Editors create the setting and the story’s world to make the viewer get the space feeling, so they could believe in the reality of demonstrated frames.
- Mise-en-scene
Mise-en-scène is the global aspect: anything you see on the screen belongs to it. Every smile, visual effect, landscape, or reflection is its part.
7. Search for the Deeper Sense of the Movie
Superficiality is not about worthy movies. The more profound understanding of the movie and its critical review depend on elements which are repeated throughout the film's timeline, keywords, phrases, and indirect symbols. To reveal all the hidden secrets, and write a good movie review, look through the film attentively several times.
8. Examples Matter in Movie Reviews
Reviews containing no relevant examples don't make readers trust them. Expressions like "actors play perfectly" and "sounds are weird" don't support their impression as well. The specification is your friend here. For instance, when describing a certain character and your impressions from them, say what actually turns an actor into a relevant personage: outlook, speaking manners, emotional expression, etc.
9. A Strong Summary is a Must for a Movie Review

The most impressive movie elements are worth mentioning once more for readers, so do it when concluding your review. You can also mix them with your recommendations and say who will most likely be interested in the movie and why. Do not forget that this part of your writing is the very last possibility to convince the audience, so try as hard as you can.
10. Movie Review Editing
Here everything is similar to that of regular essay writing. Reread the movie review carefully at least twice and correct grammar, word choice, spelling, style, and other mistakes. Even the best writing can fail because of errors.
To write an excellent movie review, keep up with the list of tips mentioned above, and always write what you think. The very best reviews are those you write through processing relevant impressions.